8 Weeks to Building an Awesome Brand Program

learn the strategies and tactics that will differentiate you from the competition


To build a sustainable business, you must create a strong and distinct brand

In building your brand, you want to consider the experience you are creating for your clients and how you distinguish yourself in the marketplace. Attract your ideal client by learning how to get it right in just 8 weeks!

The program includes:

8 weekly webinars

8 weekly webinars

Access to Coach on the Go™, our performance management platform

Access to Coach on the Go™, our performance management platform

Weekly modules, flexible learning

Weekly modules, flexible learning





Develop and Utilize a Marketing Plan. The purpose of the plan is to make sure you are always heading in the correct direction and taking the shortest possible route to your goals.


Know Your Client. Once you are able to obtain appointments with people in your chosen target markets, your next challenge is to sell them. By learning this second practice, you will be able to create an environment where selling becomes easier.


Understand How People Make Decisions. Watching people spend their time and money is the best way to understand their values, but not the only way. Through questioning and listening strategies you can uncover someones´s needs, wants and values. In this module you will gain a deep understanding of how people make decisions.


Help Your Prospects and Clients Buy. High-performing salespeople understand that people hate to be sold, but love to buy. So, instead of trying to sell something to their prospects and clients, they help them make the decision to buy. In this module you will learn specific strategies involved in helping someone buy.


Create Client Capital. All top salespeople recognize that focusing on individual sales is not the best practice for maximizing their income and realizing their full potential. In order to grow their business, they not only focus on acquiring new clients, but on harvesting the ones that they have - selling to them again and again as their personal and business needs change. In this module you will learn how to create and maintain successful long-term relationships with ideal clients.


Obtain Introductions. Clients or centers of influence can provide you with information that will highlight problems faced by the person they will introduce you to. You can use this information to your advantage if you are able to address your prospect´s concerns at a time when they are receptive and willing to listen. In this module you will learn how to develop a habit of consistently asking for introductions from satisfied clients and converting those introductions into sales.


Delegate. Your ability to grow is largely dependant on the amount of time you are able to spend using the previous practice to develop relationships with your clients and prospects. In this module you will learn how to free up your time so that you can leverage the previous six practices to their fullest.


Utilize Resources. In this module you will learn specific strategies for utilizing resources to make better use of your time and further enrich the relationships with your prospects and clients.




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